General Info

  • Location: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies in the south-west of Asia, bordered by the Red Sea, the Arabian Gulf, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, northern Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, South Yemen and Oman.
  • Geographical features: The Kingdom’s terrain varies due to its size, but the desert form the largest part of it, consisting of sand dunes and saphat.
  • Climate: The climate of the Kingdom differs from one region to another because of its different terrain. It is located under the influence of the tropical atmosphere. In general, the Kingdom has a cold continental climate in the cold summers of the winter and winter rains, and the climate is moderate on the western and southwestern highlands. The central regions are hot and dry and their wales are cold and dry. Temperature and humidity The rain falls in the winter and spring, which is very limited to most areas of the Kingdom except the southwestern highlands of the Kingdom and its rainy season more abundant summer than other areas.
  • Mineral wealth The country’s wealth is based on natural gas and oil. Its main resources are: Oil production 409.2 million tons, reserves 36.2 billion tons, natural gas production 75.9 billion cubic meters, reserve 7919 billion cubic meters.

General Info

Currency Saudi Riyal
Capital Riyadh
Total population 30.77 million people
Language Arabic
Time Zone +3
Leadership Right
Space More than 2.250,000 square kilometers (four-fifths of the Arabian Peninsula)
International phone code +966

Total indicators

Total population for 2014 (population) 30,770,375 *
Population growth rate for 2014 2.55%
Population density (individual / km²) for 2014 15.3
Saudi population 2014 (population) 20,702,536 *
Saudi population growth rate for 2014 2.1%
GDP growth at constant prices (2010 = 100) for 2015 3.35%
GDP per capita in 2015 at current prices (SR) 77,711
Economic development
Non-oil private sector contribution to GDP in 2015 at constant prices (2010 = 100) 39.46%
Non-oil private sector growth rate for 2015 at constant prices (2010 = 100) 3.74%
Percentage of non-oil commodity exports to commodity imports at current prices for the year 2015 28.35%
Non-oil exports growth for 2015 -17.99%
The growth of commodity imports at current prices for the year 2015 -3.65%
Contribution of exports to GDP in 2015 at current prices 33.33%
General Cost of Living Index 130.1
Change in the cost of living index (inflation) 2.7%